Guide to Buying a Puppy
Buying a puppy is one of the most exciting times in our life. Welcoming a new puppy into your family and moulding him into a well balanced, friendly companion is highly rewarding, especially when it’s repaid with unconditional love. Choosing the right breed to suit your lifestyle is very important. If you’ve decided that a Lhasa Apso is the breed for you, then please read the information below to help choose a reputable breeder.
Choosing a Reputable Breeder
When you begin your search for a Lhasa pup, it is important to look for a reputable breeder. It is worth finding a reputable breeder and waiting for them to have a litter rather than looking for a puppy ready now. There are many people who churn out puppies without much care or regard for the puppies future and/or the welfare of bitch. Under no circumstances, should a puppy EVER be sold under the age of 8 weeks old. It is illegal to sell a pup below this age.
A reputable breeder is one who has considered the good and bad points of their Apso and have carefully selected a stud dog for their bitch who best compliments her. This means the bitch should not just mated to a “cheap stud”, nor “just so she can have a litter”. Reputable breeders will have had their dogs health tested (currently either a yearly eye test for GPRA or a DNA test for PRA4). These tests are ones which a normal vet does not carry out and as such, a “vet check” is not sufficient to say a dog is health tested. The results will be shown on the Kennel Club documentation for your puppy.
A reputable breeder will ask you questions and will fully expect you to have questions for them too. The breeder will assess your situation and is best placed to advise you if one of their puppies would be suitable for you. They will also be able to assist you in selecting a puppy if there is a choice available. When you purchase a puppy, you are becoming part of the extended dog family and it is important for the breeder to ensure that you are the right fit for the dog. Not all puppies have the same needs, some are energetic, some lazy, some crazy, some calm. A reputable breeder will recognise traits in the pups and will be able to advise you on the how your pup will develop. A crazy puppy is not always a crazy adult! They will also be able to advise on whether a dog or a bitch would suit your family. Although they are the same breed, dogs and bitches can have very different personalities.
Visiting the Puppies
When the puppies are born, a reputable breeder will invite you to visit the puppies before it is time for the pups to leave. This is your opportunity to meet mum (and occasionally dad) and will allow you to see mum interacting with her babies. The mum should always be interested in the pups. If you are unable to meet mum, walk away. Do not accept any reasons or excuses. Mum should ideally be over 18 months of age when the pups are born and should not be older than 8 years old. If there are other dogs in the house, they should also be well cared for.
Also, beware of multiple litters, multiple breeds or someone who is crossing breeds. The pups should be bright, energetic pups with a healthy coat. They should be clean and have bright eyes, not weep in any way. Mum will not always look at her best at this point, the pups do take a lot out of them. Ask to see photos of mum and dad.

Registration and Payment
Pups from a reputable breeder will be Kennel Club registered. There is no other registry for pedigree dogs which is reliable. If the pup is not KC registered, it’s papers are worthless. Be careful of imitation registries. When you collect you pup, you should fully expect to sign a contract of sale document and, by law, you must be given the microchip details for the pup. The pup’s microchip will be registered to the breeder and you have 4 weeks to update the details or you can be fined. Along with this you should receive a puppy pack which should include details of the worming schedule for the dog (when have they been wormed, what have they been wormed with and when are they due wormed again). If your puppy has received it’s first vaccination, it’s vaccination card will also been given to you. You should also be given information on health, grooming and nutrition. It is advisable to feed the puppy on the same food it has been eating so as not to upset it’s stomach.
A reputable breeder may ask you to pay a deposit on your pup when they are around 5 weeks old. They will NEVER ask for money before a litter is born. Not all people in the world are trustworthy, trust your gut. If something does not feel right, walk away.

A Reputable Breeder Will
- Ask you questions and answer any of yours
- Provide proof of health test of the parents
- Let you meet mum and any other dogs before the pup leaves.
- Register the pups with the Kennel Club
- Not let the pups leave mum until they are at least 8 weeks old
- Ensure the pups are microchipped